As a result of data research of vacancies in various enterprises, it is possible to form an illustrative list of knowledge and skills requirements of project management staff to the most popular trades :
Sales Managers- Experience or knowledge of working with customers (sales, contracts, maintenance). Experience (skills) to work with legal databases (documents), making all sorts of regulatory documents (contracts, orders work). Ability to negotiate at high level, autonomy, responsibility, good communication skills. Experience working with computers, with an office software; skills to work on the Internet and local networks; e-mail ; ability to handle stress, ability to work in a team wit and commitment to friendly conversation. Economists, financial workers: Experience of working with a computer with office software, special software for financial and economic calculations; skills to work on the Internet and local networks, e-mail ; experience in planning and controlling of the activities of departments, project management, personnel management. IT-specialists: Good knowledge of PC hardware ; Knowledge of modern operating systems, administration skills ; Knowledge and skills Administration MS SQL Server, basic knowledge of FreeBSD; experience in promoting software or telecommunications projects ; experience in IT-projects, development of organizational and technological schemes of work, description of business processes ; handling stress, ability to work as a team.
Once the project management training is concerned, there is an urgent need to arrange corporate training in two main forms: Long-term comprehensive programs aimed at increasing the competence of personnel and management, developing an effective management team, restructuring and competitiveness of business; short-term specialized training courses and seminars designed to quickly solve the most acute problem facing the company. Corporate programs are designed and implemented taking into account the multiple interests: the interests of business as a whole, the interests of certain parts of the organization and the interests of employees. Corporate program, both directly and indirectly, can solve problems in a team teambuilding, improving the quality of interaction between business units. The main stages of the implementation of a comprehensive long-term courses as follows: 1st stage- diagnostic facilities, or determine training needs; 2nd-stage development and adaptation of specialized training courses for specific customer needs, proper training; 3rd stage- analysis of first results of training, adjustment training plans for further training; 4th- evaluation of the effectiveness of training, the establishment of a system of ongoing professional development with staff.
Summarizing the above, we can conclude: the training of project management personnel no longer be something exceptional, and is increasingly becoming not only a vital necessity, but an integral part of the process of the organization, without which normal functioning can not occur. Finally comes the understanding that the money spent on training- it is not cost but an investment in a business that will pay off in full, will allow for many ways to save money and even more so to bring weighty profit.
Today’s world is revolving on business. For some people it is the way of making money, for others – it’s a job to make living, and for some of them – this is a style of their life. In any case business is an activity which needs to be managed. Professional project managers are those experts who help business owners to conduct their activities. Project managers who are trying to become real experts, certainly will be interested in PMP Training. Of course, passing PMP exam is a quite tough task but if you are serious about that you can use PMP Simulation. All this, together with online technologies being the great source of information, will help you prepare and successfully pass the PMP Certification.