1. To create it yourself.
2. To address to the specialist like to the financial consultant.
1st variant.
Positive side is the economy of money for services of the adviser. However underestimation of risks to which the capital and their wrong distribution can be exposed can cross out at once all works on creation of assets. As practice shows, the concept about risks at everyone especially individual and is often based on a personal experience of mutual relations with the state banks and the insurance companies, sometimes – taking into account opinion of any expert, for example, the stock exchange analyst or the seller of any investment product.
2nd variant.
Financial consultant will state estimation to current position of the client from the point of view of risks.
It will prompt optimum variants of the investments, the checked up companies with positive international reputation.
It will help with a competent goal setting and will give the precise plan on their realization (how many it is necessary to earn in each next year to reach the purposes or that it is possible to reach at current level of earnings).
On the basis of the data given by you will create the financial plan for necessary term.
It will help with a choice of banks and management companies under concrete conditions: reliability, service level, convenience of using, the location, etc.
It will save time and nerves for search of reliable tools necessary for plan realization.
It will help to distinguish the swindlers offering various investment schemes.
It is necessary to pay for pluses. Services of advisers cost from up to 100 dollars for a business hour. They pay off, as a rule, for 2 – 3 months – and in this time you can eliminate all leakages of money, start lead regularly the monthly budget and to save money on the investment, establishing financial protection of the family.
There is a probability to face the nonprofessional or the seller of a concrete investment product as now in the market there are not enough specialists who are engaged in financial consultation of private persons.
Under what criteria it is better to select for yourself the financial adviser it is very intelligibly written in “How to construct the personal financial plan” and “the Way to financial freedom” (the author – Bordo Shefer).
So, to reach the financial dream, it is necessary to create the capital which will bring in the annual income. For capital creation it is necessary to begin investments as soon as possible. To invest effectively and to manage the risks, the personal financial plan has to be created together with the professional. Before to invest, it is necessary to be verified with the plan to make decision on expediency of the given investment having estimated own financial possibilities and market risks. Investments should be realized, based on accurate objects in view and strategy of their achievement, by regular investments of money remained after all expenses.
It is very reasonable that government, despite this crisis is not abandoning to help small businesses. And small business grants can be a real helper today.
But, surely, you should remember that today the fight for small business grants as well as for other kinds of grants is harsher. This is logical – more businesses need them. So before you start your fight for the small business grants, please make sure to check out this blog for more info about grant industry.