Money making: what to do to save up and gain money? Part 1
It is simply to save money the main thing that it didn’t fall into your hands!
People argue of what will happen with euro and dollar, more carefully approach to bank loans and think of the household budget. On questions of how to address with money, the businessman and the general director of Consulting group “Personal Capital” answers.
1. How to learn to save, instead of to spend?
Experts are assured: to control the money it is necessary always, not important, there is a crisis or not. And the main rule is that incomes should exceed expenses.
It seems banal, but in practice at very many people expenditure exceeds earnings. It means, expenses need to be cut down. And competently to make it, I recommend two or three months to write down all monetary receipts and expenditure. It doesn’t mean that it is necessary to become such caustic accountant who writes down all purchasing to trifles: has purchased bread per, milk and so on. Besides, it is necessary to supervise the investments. For example, to look, how many you earn on the contributions as the real estate price in which you have put up money and so on changes. Usual assets (that is investments) is necessary to supervise once a year, but in crisis once a quarter is better at least to look where is your money and what happens with it.
It is simple to save money simply the main thing is not to allow it to fall into your hands. It is not necessary to touch money. A minimum, which person should postpone is 10 % from the income. The more you earn the more it is necessary to postpone.
2. What to do with grist in euro?
The most popular question: what currency now to buy and what to do with accumulating in euro which has fallen in price.
There should be a balanced basket of currencies. Well who can tell, how many will cost euros in a month or in half a year?! It isn’t known by anybody! Even leading economists and bankers are mistaken in the forecasts. The simplest principle is to hold money in three currencies – dollar, euro, pound, or at least in two. The greatest losses are at those who store the money in one currency.
I have purchased recently euro: I got a portfolio from dollar and euro, because of euro falling my portfolio has warped. And now I have bought a euro part at the expense of dollars. But every day transferring of your savings from one currency it is not necessary. It is necessary to do it one time in half a year or once a quarter when there are such acute fluctuations. I liked that the euro has fallen; now it is cheap currency, but all the same European currency won’t disappear anywhere.
It is very reasonable that government, despite this recession is not leaving to help small businesses. And small business grants can be a real helper right now.
But, of course, you should remember that today the fight for small business grants as well as for other types of grants is harsher. This is natural – more businesses need them. So before you start your battle for the small business grants, please make sure to visit this blog for more helpful tips about grant industry.