You should realize that product releases and certainly management reporting are simply two quite opposite sides which often confront with each other. It’s known that product managers are responsible for releasing products on the market as soon as possible. These guys will have rather a strong support from marketing with quite different set of demands for supporting product release in the form of advertising campaigns.

I should say that in order to support product as well as campaign releases, information systems should be properly prepared with processes, upgrades, functionalities and so on. It goes without saying that it’s a legitimate claim for the product development as well as marketing to force all the new releases since any company lives exactly from products.

The matter is that when a particular campaign speeds up then most probably corresponding information systems won’t be absolutely prepared for processes and certainly for reporting purposes. With these frequent product launches and certainly versatile campaigns IT greatly suffers from rather a great pressure for supporting processes. Unfortunately all over the world products are becoming more and more complicated with containing different marketing innovations for customers.

These days customers are more product aware then ever before and moreover currently products often contain revolutionary new features such as product bundles, various packages, discounts, subscription packages, rollovers and so on. Of course with every new marketing product it is getting extremely interesting to see how IT manage to implement various patches on the core production systems for the purpose of supporting processes. I should say that this everyday reporting flow also can’t do without patches.

As I’ve just mentioned above product managers are those guys who are forced to deal with immediate product launches. And I should say that the same guys are inclined to force you for the best quality report of their recent actions. In fact these guys will be the primary prosecutors as for management which controlling and exactly these guys may appear to be guilty of rather a poor quality report. But I’d like to stress that they often forget about the necessity of mentioning that they have already caused a real reporting chaos because of their rush.

I should say that this speed of product releases as well as this essential speed of reporting can’t be reciprocal in this case. But on the contrary information product complexity as well as reporting implementation is reciprocal. It’s clear that the more complex product, the longer time for its full implementation it will take.

Now it’s high time to make a conclusion. To cut a long story short up-to-date complex product releases can’t be quickly implemented in a particular company’s information system. From my point of view it’s something really worthy which can be successfully communicated as well as internally promoted in the company.

Nowadays we are living in the world of high technologies. These days the more your business is automated, the better, especially in respect of Reporting Services. Reporting is a very helpful thing. So if you would like to automate your reporting activities, you might think of using SQL-RD. Having reporting automated will help minimizing manual process and saving time and money. Look through this SQL Server site to find out more details.

And remember that we live in the world of high online technologies. It would be intelligent to avail oneself of the online network to search for anything on the best terms available on the market. Search engines, social networks, blogs and forums – all this will assist you to make a decision on many issues.