Managers do make decisions about how to effectively use human and other resources to achieve a pre-set goals, and then these decisions are being implemented. In certain sense, project managers perform the same function as the rest of the managers. That is, they make plans and schedules, stimulating and supervising workers. Different types of managers exist only because they solve different problems. For example, the marketing manager is engaged in distribution of products or services; production manager focuses on the transformation of resources into finished products, a financial manager to assure that there is enough funds for the functioning of the organization. The role of project manager is unique because it manages the time, not repeating activities and frequently acts independently of the formal structure of the organization.
Project managers must be able to dispose of resources in such a way as to complete a specific project on time, stay within estimates and are not violating the specifications. They are connecting unit between the organization and the customer and must be able to combine the expectations of the customer so that we can and should do (be able to link customers’ expectations with common sense).
They are providing guidance, coordination and unification of efforts by members of the team, which often consists of the time participants Cove, structurally related to its functional departments. The project managers are responsible for all the work, often having very little power. They should be able to achieve a reasonable balance between time, cost and project requirements. In this case, unlike their counterparts in functional departments, project managers often have only superficial knowledge in those areas in which they are required to make decisions. For this reason, they are forced to lead the implementation of the project by promoting the right people at the right time to address the necessary challenges and necessary solutions. Obviously, the management of the project- a unique and exciting profession. This tutorial aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge, understanding, vision and skills are sufficient for the development of the profession.
The project life cycle, as a rule, passes successively through four phases: definition, planning, execution and delivery (delivery) of the results to the client. It all begins with the moment when the project gives the good. The project is unfolding slowly, gradually efforts reach a peak and then go “out” at the time of the project to the customer. At the stage of “definition” of a concrete project (determined by the specification), they are setting project goals, form a team; define responsibilities. At the stage of “planning” level of effort increases, plans are being developed to determine which would entail the implementation of the project when it needs to be completed, to whom it will benefit, what level of quality of work must be maintained, etc.
Modern world is revolving on business. For some people it is the way of making money, for others – it’s a job to make living, and for some of them – this is a way they live. In any case business is an activity which has to be managed. Professional project managers are those people who help business owners to conduct their activities. Project managers who are trying to become real experts, certainly will be interested in PMP Training. Of course, passing PMP exam is a quite tough task but if you are serious about that you can take advantage of PMP Simulation. All this, together with online technologies being the wonderful source of information, will assist you to prepare and successfully pass the PMP Certification.