So what it is all about? Surtax! If you enclose in foreign mutual funds 100,000$, and through any time your capital in funds will make 1,000,000$ you should pay surtax with 900,000$. Why 900,000$? The profit is peer 1,000,000$ – 100,000$ = 900,000$. From this sum surtax at a rate of 13 % also is paid. By the way, to pay the tax with 900,000$, instead of with 1,000,000$, it is necessary to keep all documents confirming an investment of the initial sum 100,000$, differently it too can be surveyed as profit.

So, the tax will make 900,000$ * 13 % = 117,000$.

Hence, you receive 883,000$.
What to do? If you think that the reason of such situation that investments are carried out abroad you are mistaken. At investments into the share investment funds you will pay in the same way surtax from profit. Under the same rate of 13 %. You will carry thus all risks of investments into developing economy and one currency. I at all don’t want to tell that it is bad; I simply say it is necessary what to invest diversified, without being limited to one currency and one country. In that case risks become much less, but it is a theme of separate article.

So, an exit it is not visible yet. But it is. What instruments can give privileges at the taxation? Products of the insurance companies, for example, ccumulating life insurance at once occur. If payments under the contract of memory insurance don’t exceed the sum of the payments enlarged by the rate of refinancing (or 9 % for currency programs) surtax isn’t paid. But thus there is no possibility of a choice of instruments of investments and profitableness is insignificant. And in funds potential profitableness much more above, the choice of funds is huge (for each person it is possible to pick up a portfolio approaching it from funds), but thus not to get to anywhere from surtax payment.

Here if to combine profitableness of funds and an investment condition at accumulating insurance … And it, it appears, probably! And all – within the limits of the law. There is a product that allows issuing investments into foreign funds in the form of the policy of insurance. Thus we will receive profitableness of the chosen funds, and absence of surtax. More precisely, the tax won’t be at observance all the above stated conditions – payments don’t exceed the sum of the payments enlarged by the rate of refinancing (or 9 % for currency programs).

In a case of default of a condition, it is necessary to pay surtax only from size of excess of profitableness over 9 %.

Besides, also other advantages of insurance products in this case operate, for example, the fast and simple scheme of inheritance of the capital.

One more important property: on this capital judicial collecting can’t be shown. I.e. these agents can’t be confiscated or arrested. At divorce this capital isn’t subject to section between spouses.

The days when governments have been flooding people with all types of grants have passed. At least for some time. But that does not imply that one must get rid of the idea of getting small business grants.

Everything is doable with nicely balanced approach; small business grants including.

Go to this blog for more practical tips about grants, how to apply for grants, grant examples, traps and ticks of the grants. This information will help you to get small business grants or any other grants easier.